Showing posts with label laughter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label laughter. Show all posts

February 10, 2013

 Last night, we celebrated Chinese New Year which has been our tradition. Every Chinese New Year, we ray and ask for blessings, eat, share laughter and  stories, eat, and the most important part is playing games!

The game is called Lac bu kho, I am not sure about the spelling, which we can relate to the Filipino game called Color game. :) You can place your bets anywhere. 

The game board :)

Grandma, cousins, aunties, and uncles enjoying the game!

Here is our Korean-Vietnamese dinner! :D
This is our offering to the gods.

Vietnamese Fish

Mamon with gold coins

Beef, bacon, Korean Soybean paste, and Lechon.

Pork and Shrimp meat in Sugarcane 

My boyfriend and I went home late because we have a class until 9 pm but thanks to our kind professor who permitted us to leave the class early after our practical exam. :)
We reached my cousins, aunties, and uncles at home. I really thought that we might not see them but thanks to the fast transportation here in the Philippines. 

How did you celebrated Chinese New Year? :)

October 27, 2012

It's been a while since I blogged about my friends, my high school friends. I actually planned this a month ago. Since the venue is at our house, I asked my grandmother if I could let my friends visit our house, eat dinner together, and have a small slumber party. And, she allowed me because it's "our" semestral break (though I don't have a sembreak) 

Sadly, we aren't complete this day and only 6 of my friends slept here at our house. Actually, we didn't sleep. Like, literally. =)) All we did was talk and talk and talk. Non-stop chatting and exchanging of stories! What a night! 

Here are some photos!

I really had fun spending time with you gals and guys!! I love you to bits!!

July 28, 2012

I woke up this morning with bad vibes. I don't know why. I slept at 11 pm and woke up at 10 am. So, ugh. I don't really know why. 

Around 10:30 am, my boyfriend called me and he told me to pick him up at the Bakery near our house. I waited for 10 minutes, I think. After picking him up, we went here at our house and watched Sucker Punch at HBO. 

After few minutes, Kenneth told us that he wants us to come at their house because he will treat us. So, we said yes. We called and texted our friends and invited them to go to Kenneth's pad. Before going to Kenneth's house, we ate at Mini Stop because we are so HUNGRY!!

We arrived at Kenneth's house at 1 pm and ate Lechon and Pancit :D
After eating, we played and fooled with ourselves. Here are some photos :)

With Lia, Raissa, Kyle, Michael, JP, and Kenneth :)

With Lia and Raissa. :) Trying the gold fish pose =))

I had an awesome day! Thank you guys!!

Much love<3

May 11, 2012

          I woke around 6:20 am and I was so sleepy because I stayed late last night just to fix my blogger account. So, my class will start at 7:30 and it is PE! Yes, first period is PE. WOW!! :( Body pain and leg cramps again. Heavy calisthenics again and today was also our practical test (free throw lang naman. :P) Perfect score is 10 points. 

         During the practice for the practical test, I was so attentive and so playful. I shoot the ball many times but when our professor told us that the practical test will start now. And, so I became nervous. I only scored 4 points. WOW, like super. :( =)) Even though that was the result of my practical test, I still enjoyed our PE class.

        My friends and I played "Space Jump". It was so fun remembering our childhood and high school days!! :) I really felt that I am still a ten year old kid playing outside our house. :P blah blah blah. So, after our PE class, we went to the canteen and ate like a pig =))) I'm too lazy to continue this. Maybe later! Toodles!! xx