May 17, 2012

Dilly dally

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Everyday, I'm late a school. That's new! :O My parents were surprised because of my laziness and being tardy everyday. I don't know what happened to my sleeping habit and studying habit. Maybe, I am just disturbed by being online EVERYDAY and I am losing my focus to studies. So, maybe I'll just lessen the time of being online and also, I'll post a blog once or twice a week. Oh no. :(

So sad but I need to this for myself. Midterm examinations is coming and also, Final examinations is getting nearer. I STILL HAVE TONS OF STUFFS TO DO! OH EM. :( :( Studying in a 4-term school gives me headache, I mean HEADACHE. Give me a break. Hahaha! Toodles!!

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