February 20, 2013

How I deal with school stuff

Since I've been sleeping late for the past few weeks, I really enjoyed the comfort of biscuits and hot chocolates! Others think that for my age, I should be fond of drinking coffee because it helps and keeps you alive whenever you need to stay up late but no! For me, when I am drinking coffee, it males me relaxed and makes me so drowsy. Am I weird?

So, yeah. Biscuits + a cup of hot chocolate = perfect night to study!!

A cup of Swiss Miss and a pack of Skyflakes

Here's my working area. I know, its a bit messy and a messy environment makes a person unfocused and lazy except for me :D

While doing my Sociology homework, which I haven't started it because I am still reading the topic covered.
For this homework, it includes five questions that we need to answer in a paragraph form with seven to ten sentences. 

And now, I needed to finish this homework as early as now because there are still pending requirements for me to do for school.

How do you deal with your school works?


  1. Hehe your writing is so cute! And good luck on your homework, I believe you'll do it!

    1. Hahaha! Really? Thank you!! <33 Anyway, hope we can follow each other :D


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♡ Mj :)